Emergency Appointments at Andrew & Rogers
At Andrew & Rogers we offer emergency appointments for anyone 3 years or older. For all emergencies we aim to provide you with an appointment in the next 48h. We cover emergency appointments for a large range of eye conditions, just scroll down to find out more. If you feel like you have a problem not listed, please feel free to call us and we can guide you through your options. The cost of a basic emergency eyecare appointment will be covered by the NHS and takes roughly 15 minutes. We often recommend enhancing this with our high-tech retinal scanners. We use OPTOS and OCT scanners which allow an unrivalled diagnostic view of the retina and other ocular structures. It takes around 10 extra minutes and costs £69 for both scanners. For a full health check on your eyes and to allow us to have the most in depth look possible we would recommend having both OCT and OPTOS scans with the majority of appointments. To Book in with us click the button below or call a member of our team on 01482 860362.
What we can do
New Flashes and Floaters
Flashes of light in your vision can be a sign of a tear or detatchment of the retina. We recommend adding the OPTOS scanner for these. We also suggest you dont drive as we may need to dilate your pupils with eye drops.
Painful Eyes
There are a multitude of causes of painful eyes. Just book in for an expert diagnosis.
This is an aversion to bright lights/sunlight/daylight
Blurry/ Distorted Vision
This needs to be of recent onset (non refractive) in nature.
Sudden Loss of Vision
Any recent loss of vision needs to be explained
Decreased Field of view
Do you feel you have lost some of your peripheral vision?
Ingrowing Eyelashes
These can be very uncomfortable
Foreign body in the eye
Dry Eyes
These often feel gritty.
Eyelid Lumps/ Bumps
Any recent onset new lumps on your eyelids.